Full name:



deputy chief physician


Jiang Nan: female, master degree, deputy chief physician, currently working in the Department of Gastroenterology, Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine.

Good at the treatment of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, upper gastrointestinal bleeding and other digestive tract diseases; clinical application of gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Main research directions: digestive medicine, medical information system and medical image processing, etc. Presided over the completion of a general project of the Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province and a medical and health research project of Zhejiang Province. Participated in two general projects of Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation as the second collaborator. Published 18 papers in international conferences and core journals, 8 in SCI and 7 in EI. Selected as the third level funding of Hangzhou "131 Talent Project".