
The Key Laboratory of Clinical Cancer Pharmacology and Toxicology Research of Zhejiang ProvinceThe Key Laboratory of Clinical Cancer Pharmacology and Toxicology Research of Zhejiang Province (2020E10021) was approved by the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Science and Technology in 2019. It is currently the first approved provincial key laboratory in the field of hospital pharmacy in Zhejiang Province, and the first approved provincial key laboratory in hospitals governed by Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission. Our lab has 48 researchers, of whom 30 are Ph.D.s and 11 are masters, and the proportion of senior titles or those with doctoral degrees is 83.33 percent. Our lab has 1 expert who obtains special allowance from the State Council, 2 middle-aged experts with outstanding contributions from Zhejiang Province, 2 leading health talents from Zhejiang Province and 4 ‘151’ talents from Zhejiang Province.

The head of our lab’s academic committee is National Academician Jian Ding from Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica. The Dean of our lab is Prof. Nengming Lin from Hangzhou First People’s Hospital.

Our laboratory has formed three stable research contents regarding the scientific problems related to pharmacology and toxicology of clinical anti-tumor drugs:
(1) The intervention strategies and molecular mechanisms regarding organs and skin toxicity of anti-tumor drugs.
(2) The intervention and related molecular targeting of organ damage caused by anti-tumor drug combined radiation therapy.
(3) Research on specific drug targets and drug interventions for tumor micro-environment and tumor radiation or chemotherapy resistance.

The Center for Integrated Oncology and Precision MedicineThe center for integration oncology and precision medicine is subordinate to affiliated Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine. The honorary director of the center academic committee is Prof. Shusen Zheng, academician of the China Engineering Academy. The first director of the center academic committee is Prof. Hongyang Wang, academician of the China Engineering Academy, and the first director of the center is Prof. Xiao Xu. The center is mainly engaged in the research in the following three subjects.:
(1) research on molecular typing and targeted therapy of hepatobiliary pancreatic malignancies;
(2) basic and clinical research on prevention and treatment of liver transplantation complications;
(3) research on diagnosis and treatment technology with intelligent and innovative medicine.
The existing center area is more than 500 square meters, and the total value of instruments and equipment is more than 13 million yuan. Relying on the rich clinical resources and powerful policy support of affiliated Hangzhou First People's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, the center aims at the major health needs of China and provides a solid foundation for the continuous improvement of cancer prevention and control.